Body Mind Reset in Harmony with Our Heart :: Practice in the Park

Here is a map with the blue markers indicating where to park and where we practice.
Prepare for another Quantum Leap into the Age of Aquarius with the New Moon in Aquarius taking place February 11. The Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury Rx, and Venus are already in Aquarius making plans for the arrival of the Moon. It's going to be a spectacular Cosmic Celebration! We want to be able to ride these massive Aquarian energetic waves with purpose.
This week we are invited to reflect upon the archetype of Venus.
What we value
Who we love and share our lives with, and
What inspires our life and gives us pleasure
Venus is making a tremendous journey this week through Aquarius. She is visiting with Saturn who is rebuilding long-term structures in our lives now that align with Aquarian ideals ...being authentic, futuristic, thinking outside the box, being a humanitarian, perhaps even eccentric!
Venus and Saturn want to be sure that these new Saturnian foundations vibe with our Heart and our uniqueness. This is also a time to reflect upon our relationships as Venus and Saturn urge us to cohabit, and work with like-minded people, and find our tribe!
But central to all of this is the relationship we are redefining honestly with ourselves. As Venus also makes a beautiful harmonious sextile with Chiron (the wounded healer), we are encouraged to forgive ourselves for not loving and nurturing ourselves enough. In fact, we are being asked to make a new commitment to ourselves in taking greater care to include our hearts in our decisions and lives moving forward!
AND Mercury which represents our human mind is now retrograding, making it's way back through Aquarius, dissolving limiting beliefs as it expands our minds to consider our Quantum nature. We have the capacity to think and learn beyond 3D linear time with new abilities to receive and understand whole packets of information in a heartbeat from the Universal Cosmic Mind. Listen, cause it's speaking to you and wants to collaborate with you!
As we bring our Heart Light into our bodies and minds, we can reimagine ourselves in the Aquarian age expanding into a new belief system, fueled with new realizations that so much more is possible in the Age of Aquarius. For in this age, it isn't about a 'matter of time', it's about a 'matter of alignment'!
Consider Your Big Beautiful Aquarian New Moon Intentions and begin living as they have already arrived!!! BE YOU NOW!
REGISTER HERE and please note that numbers are limited to ensure social-distancing!
Our Practice in the Park - Sunday, February 7, # - 4:30 pm @ Memorial Park
With so many planets in Airy Aquarius, we will begin with a grounding breath practice that will fortify our connection with the earth and bring our awareness into present time attention.
Heart Flow Sequence
We will practice a glorious heart flow sequence, coordinated with the breath, activating our hearts and opening up that portal bringing forth our soul's essence. We will circulate this energy throughout our bodies with a series of asanas, bring our essence and cosmic Aquarian Love into each compartment of our lives.
Heart-Mind Meditation
This meditation uses a segmented breath married to a mental mantra for strengthening our nervous system and thus our mental body with our Infinite Heart energy.
With the healing sounds of crystal singing bowls, we will rest and integrate, relaxed with a new sense of what is possible for us.
Overcoming Inner Conflict Breath Meditation
This practice balances the hemispheres of the brain for whole-brain integration while stimulating the vagus nerve for activating healing and dissolving stress. This meditation is fantastic for overcoming the inner conflicts we are experiencing as we desire to expand into more of our amazing selves.
What To Bring
Pack yoga mat, mask, water, and blankets, and pillows for comfort, especially so you can completely be cozy, lying down during Savasana. You might also like to bring a notebook to capture new revelations that flow to you throughout our practice.
Please note there are limited tickets for this event in order to maintain space for social distancing.
Please email me if you have any questions at
Kalyan Darshan
Celebrating and Supporting the Conscious Awakening of Humanity