The Virgo New Moon offers us that extra burst of energy for getting organized. My garage is calling me, especially at this time!
But it's more than that, it's a time to declutter our minds, like a garden, removing the weeds, particularly the toxic ones that take energy and space from beautiful flowers, shrubs, trees, and the precious wildlife they attract. It's a great time to observe the words we say and think and decide how we can make positive adjustments. Our thoughts and words are THINGS too. They vibrate infinitely, creating our reality, weaving the web of life that we share with everyone.
Virgo is like a healing surgeon, removing the superfluous and redundant, to restore integrity and authenticity. It reorients our lives for minimum effort, maximum efficiency, perfection, and precision. It restores our purity, self-reliance, being whole within ourselves, as depicted by the Virgin.
There are so many beneficial aspects occurring during this Virgo New Moon that bring energies for deep deep DEEP healing too. This new moon could very well begin a journey for profound transformation, dissolving outdated mind-body constructs and limiting beliefs of both the subconscious and conscious minds.
The Virgo New Moon takes place this Labor Day Monday, so hopefully, you have time off for joining in these offerings! Please read on!
Virgo New Moon Meditation Monday, Sept 6 @ 10 - 11:30 am @ Menil
Join my Yogini sister Saati and me, under the oak trees, safely outside for a yogic journey for mind-body deep deep healing. Plant Seeds with the Virgo New Moon Blessings.
♍️ Arrive early, 9:30 am for an astrology briefing and receive Sage Blessing by Anand Pritpal
♍️ Tune in, Connect and Gentle Mindful Movement for Relaxing the Body
♍️ Deep Deep DEEP meditation
♍️ Gong and Crystal Singing Bowl Savasana
♍️ Live Mantra Meditation
♍️ Community, Cold Watermelon, and more.

For more information and registration, please visit HERE
Virgo New Moon ONLINE Meditation Monday, Sept 6 @ 8 - 9:15 pm via ZOOM
From the comfort of your home, create a quiet place, light a candle, and join the zoom meeting.
We have a sweet loving community of meditators that bring their meditative minds for contemplation and cosmic experiences, guided by the new moon and her aspects.
For more information and registration, please visit HERE
The Cosmic Currents at this time are ASTRONOMICALLY AWESOMELY BENEFICIAL for creating new routines that support our goals in a healthy and productive way!!!
Here are some New Moon questions and areas to be receptive to in light of the incredible energies being created by powerful aspects at this time.
Venus trine Jupiter
How can I adjust my thoughts and actions to reflect a greater sense of self-worth?
Uranus trine New Moon
What intentions am I willing to set that would revolutionize my physical well-being, lifestyle, or career? Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, continues to flow the profoundly powerful Aquarius energies that have dominated the chart since December!
Grand Air Trine with Saturn, North Node, and Mercury all the Air Signs
Am I willing to take out the time to consider my long-term goals? And if I do, what actions can I commit to in creating the environment for manifesting them? Remember last month, we had an air trine just like this, except Mercury is in place of Venus this time, bringing us more understanding of the how-to.
Pluto sextile Neptune
What spiritual/mindful/creative/imaginative practice could I adopt for personal empowerment and transformation. Or, what practice could I adopt for spiritual healing?
Pluto trine Mars
Where do I feel energized to embark upon a process of transformation and self-empowerment?
Black Moon Lilith conjunct North Node
If I consider what triggers me and where I feel overlooked, am I ready to contemplate why it triggers me, and hold space for it for healing without judgment?
More Themes for this New Moon
#BodyMindConnection #MindCleanse #Health #Refinement #Service #SpiritualHealing #DeepBodyEnergyReset #Defrag #FinancalManifestation #MindExpanding #Materialization #InspiringNewThought #Purification #Order #Declutter #Energizing
I hope you'll be able to join in with these offerings. With the sun and moon in Virgo, they are great opportunities for realigning our lives, in little ways, or by imploring MASSIVE adjustments!
The cosmos reflects back to us another way to perceive and understand our lives, and in that way, as it mirrors us, it supports us.
Love, Hugs, and Virgo New Moon Blessings,
Kalyan Darshan ☮️💟🕉️♍️
Celebrating and Supporting the Awakening of Humanity